Saturday 7 May 2011

Rigging the Plane (part 2)

This is an intermediate post to indicate the progression of the design rig. After more analysing and tweaking it became apparent that the rig should be completely dummy proof. We don't not want any controls available to the animator other than the required ones, and that too, between certain limits of extremum. We also want nohing other than the control curves to be selectable. With this in mind I went through every control and measured what should and shouldn't be possible for the rig to achieve. I also added some more controls that were not originally included in my initial design (like the back wheel and the box styled object under the wing)

Again we must also mention that the model had been updated a certain number of times and had to be re-parented appropriately due to a problem with referencing whic I will detail in a later post (See the "Problems with Maya Referencing" post later in this blog).

The updated UV'd model

 The re-rigged plane with additional controls

Overall I am very pleased by the design of this rig. My most important feedback came from my animators who, even though did not have a finished rig, were still able to reference using what I provided to constructively criticize my rig for the projects benefit.

Here is my first recorded rigging test.

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